Written by Lyle Charles
Construction expert witnesses have extensive knowledge about the construction industry, including construction accidents and construction injury. They testify to help inform the trier of the facts relating to a construction lawsuit. These may include areas such as building delays, codes, compliance, construction costs, and construction defects. They will also discuss the building process, construction contracts, financing, bonds, and insurance etc.
A legal claim arising from a construction project may involve contract law, torts, and property law. In most cases, disputes will arise on delays of a project, which fall under construction delay claims. A construction law claim can include two or more parties. For example, condominium tenants can sue a real estate developer.
Construction expert witnesses may help a case and provide expertise in a particular field. These experts can include real estate developers, contractors, safety managers, electricians, and compliance experts etc. Experts will be licensed to speak on particular subjects that they have a wide knowledge on.
A construction expert may consult, report, and testify on some of the following;
Design evaluation
Cost estimates
Standards of care
Quality issues
Accident investigation
Building code compliance
Construction defects
Construction management
Construction safety
Forensic investigations
Governmental regulations
Infrastructure projects
Price discrepancies
Structural engineering
Toxic mold
Work zone safety
If you are looking to hire a construction expert witness to help your case, it is best that you find one through a reputed law firm.
When you need a bit of extra help with your current build, look no further than Lyle Charles for support and insights where it matters. Through his firm, you can get everything from his skills as a construction consulting services to help with turnaround services, consultations on matters that may be holding you back.