When you order replacement foam for your sofa or chair cushion, you can typically get it ordered in one of many different common shapes. Sites such as the Foam Factory will have different popular shapes to choose from — all you need to do is put in the measurements of your particular cushion and they will do the rest.
But what do you do if your seat doesn’t come in a normal size? You might have a boat seat that is an unusual size or a retro chair that has a cushion that doesn’t fit the normal shapes. Many people decide to take matters into their own hands and purchase a larger piece of foam and cut it to fit the shape on their own.
This approach has several issues, the most important being that it is difficult to get the foam cut exactly right. Even when you take all the measurements, translating that into cutting the foam precisely can be extremely difficult. Cutting foam is not like cutting other materials, so getting an exact fit is often impossible. In addition, you’ll need to buy more foam than you’ll use to cut out your piece, leading to wasted scraps that you paid for but will never use.
One solution is to skip the hassle and order a custom cut piece of foam. Companies such as the Foam Factory can take your measurements and cut an exact piece of foam to match your needs. You can also order custom cushion covers from many companies as well.
Carlo Badalamenti is the Marketing Manager of the Foam Factory, one of the leading retailers of replacement foam. They sell precut and custom foam cushions for a variety of uses.